It's Davia, again, with an important message.
*pronounced Day-vee-uh

I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Supervisor, Mental Health Advocate, and Blogger.
I chose the counseling profession because my greatest desire is to guide individuals to the best version of themselves. Everyone has a fresh start within their reach, and I help individuals find hope as they work towards their healing journey.
I have worked in the food industry, the retail industry, the school system, and I have always enjoyed psychology, which led to discovering my niche in the field of mental health. After receiving a master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2017, it was important to use my gifts and talents to positively impact the mental health community. After my internship, I decided to make daily self-care intentional. This led to the birth of Help, Hope, & Healing, LLC, which started with me first because great leaders lead by example. I have garnered a trifecta: life experiences, the degrees to reinforce those experiences, and the license to legitimize those experiences. Credit is due to God, my mother, and an exceptional support system.
Help, Hope, & Healing, LLC launched on the beautiful day of June 19th, 2020, and was created for individuals of all backgrounds with an added emphasis on the stigma of mental health for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. I counsel individuals, families, couples, children, adolescents, seniors, survivors of domestic violence, and persons who experience racism. I plan to do my best to eradicate that stigma by continuing to be an advocate who is inclusive, informative, educated, personable, strategic, and authentic.
At Help, Hope, & Healing, we offer HELP through counseling services while fostering HOPE through education and resources, and exercise HEALING through the application of evidence-based counseling tools. I will help you pass the tests of life and come out refined and pure as gold by helping you become whole mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Let us heal, Beloved!
Help, Hope, and Healing, LLC offers mental health counseling and is not an emergency service. If you are experiencing suicidal or homicidal thoughts, are in crisis, or need immediate help, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or, or text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741.
Davia Knight, LMHC-QS, CEO/Founder